Alex Schady, Isolated Incidents Map, 2008. Image courtesy of and © the artist.

Alex Schady
Isolated incidents

Saturday 21 June – Sunday 6 July 2008

Biennale HQ

Isolated incidents is a new downloadable audio work by Alex Schady that documents a series of mysterious sightings that have occurred within Whitstable. A group of children were asked to look at a number of Whitstable alleyways and describe in as much detail as possible exactly what they saw. What begins as a factual description of the alleys shifts into a less tangible account of unexplained incidents that appear to have taken place during the recordings. The work can be accessed below or downloaded and used as a tour through the alleys of Whitstable.

1. First incident – Favourite Alley

2. Second incident – Beach Alley

3. Third incident – Squeeze Gut Alley

4. Fourth incident – Hayes Alley

5. Fifth incident – Eveling Alley

6. Sixth incident – Bonners Alley

7. Seventh incident – Kemp Alley